EIP is an SME consultancy company based in Romania, providing consulting services for city authorities, public transport operators, public and private providers of mobility services and products. Our primary fields of work are stakeholder engagement on sustainability issues, awareness-raising, communications, and marketing on sustainability issues, securing funding and project support within European sustainable transport initiatives and EU structural funds and in project and consortium management. Our goal is to take the sustainable development principles to a next level of implementation in European cities and beyond. We are committed to developing a better understanding of sustainable development principles and supporting the knowledge transfer and best practices between cities, regions, and relevant stakeholders.

Lucia Cristea
Lucia Cristea is the Founder and Managing Director of European Integrated Projects (EIP). She has Bachelor’s & Masters Degree in Economics and almost 35 years of experience in designing and implementing sustainable transport and mobility projects. Previously to founding EIP, she held the role of Project Manager at Bucharest Public Transport (RATB) for over 20 years. She is also Founding member of the CIVITAS network for Romanian cities that are interested in developing innovative sustainable transport and mobility solutions.

EIP’s role in SPINE is to lead the exploitation activities within the project and to contribute to a new EU-wide branding approach for public transport, including city-wide awareness-raising campaigns.

EIP has been involved in numerous sustainable transport projects over the 15+ years since the company has been founded with the majority of them dealing with public transport. Both the Mananging Director – Lucia Cristea and Research Director – Denisa Liliana Andrei have extensive experience in the field of public transport, both of them being an integral part of Bucharest Public Transport for over 20 years. Aside from this, EIP also has extensive experience in creating awareness-raising campaigns, working with stakeholders and maximizing impacts of project results having performed this role in H2020 funded projects such as MIND-Sets, CREATE, MORE, or funded directly by DG MOVE at European Parliament, such as SMARTA or working in improving the decision-making process on sexual harassment aspects in public transport in projects funded by UK Government – EMPOWER.

The proposal to join the SPINE consortium provided a great opportunity for EIP to work again with a consortium of excellent professionals in public transport and with city authorities committed to promote sustainable mobility solutions.

The SPINE project will add to the extensive experience that EIP has within sustainable mobility projects. SPINE provides an excellent opportunity to accelerate the progress towards climate neutrality by reinforcing public transport systems through smart integration with new mobility services. It also offers the opportunity to work on new ways of development and demonstration of efficient, replicable, and socially acceptable innovative mobility solutions.

Within the SPINE project, EIP is mainly responsible to develop a strategy to successfully exploit the results of the project. EIP will focus on providing and delivering a successful scaling-up, knowledge exchange, solution transferability, and exploitation activities. Moreover, EIP will work in maximizing the impact of project’s results by creating awareness-raising campaigns and supporting the communication and dissemination activities.

EIP’s main objective in SPINE is to contribute to encourage and facilitate a modal shift towards public transport and sustainable transport behavior. These could be achieved through leading tasks on transferability of successful solutions identified and evaluated in the lead cities to the twinning cities and other European cities, cross-pollination, horizontal knowledge exchange between leading living laboratories, communication and dissemination activities of SPINE, the synthesis of training material and developing synergistic relationship with other ongoing projects.