Madis SassiadMadis Sassiad – MaaS coordinator in City of Tallinn and in SPINE as project manager in the City of Tallinn. Madis is serial entrepreneur and making his first steps in public sector. Madis has been involved to development of MaaS already since 2015.



Jaagup AinsaluJaagup Ainsalu – Mobility expert and project advisor. Jaagup has huge experience in development of city services.



We got the invitation from by the project writers. We had a meeting in Greece where our first contact took place.

The main value of the city of Tallinn Side is that we can focus on how to promote sustainable public transport. Due to our IT development such as MAAS, and focus on new innovative solutions helps our citizens. Also, the value is definitely that we can share experience and different types of solutions with our project partners and we get invaluable feedback for different solutions.

Tallinn is one of the Living Lab Cities.

Main goal is to achieve and implement some valuable tools for the city mobility planning and management (like smart city platform), improve city’s mobility hubs and MaaS services and usage of any other transport modes except private cars, so in overall aim is to create lot of benefits to citizens and decrease number of private cars in the city.