Ghadir PourhashemMy name is Ghadir Pourhashem, and I am a Senior researcher and EU project manger at the Department of International Research Projects (ERAdaite+) in the University of Žilina (UNIZA) in Slovakia.

In the SPINE project, I have the role of leader for two tasks: the quality management and risk mitigation and creation of training courses to facilitate the uptake of qualifies SPINE’s solutions, turning the outcomes in plain language and make them available for public. As the UNIZA research team member I am also involved in supporting the city of Žilina’s LL for implementation of the qualified solutions in the city.

Thanks to our involvement in different COST Actions, we established a strong collaboration with some SPINE’s partners such as University of Aegean (UAGEAN) and Cambiamo and Associacao do Instituto Superior Tecnico para a Investigacao e Desenvolvimento (IST-ID). therefore, we have been invited to work together in the preparation of SPINE project proposal.

However, the University of Zilina (UNIZA) and Department of International Research Projects (ERAdaite+) has an extensive experience with preparation and implementation of European and international Research and Innovation (R&I) projects in particular being the first academic institutions in Slovakia that was coordinating a H2020 R&I Project. But SPINE is a prestigious experience for UNIZA as the first Innovation Action project which brings the opportunity for the ERAdiate+ research team to work closely with the City Zilina and other outstanding project partners on the innovative and human-centric solutions for the climate-neutrality in cities.

UNIZA has the role of the quality manager in the SPINE project that is concerned with ensuring a smoot progress of scientific and technical work in SPINE as well as the Living labs progress and co-creative tasks and the implementation of the innovative solutions in cities engaged in the SPINE project. Meanwhile, our team is also involved in several research activities in WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6.

I hope that all our efforts could lead us to achieve a sharp increase in the public transport passengers’ level of satisfaction and their propensity towards more use of greener and active modes of transport which could contribute to the improvement of quality of life in societies.