
As part of the European Mobility Week, held from September 16th to 22nd, the Municipality of Valladolid actively engaged with the local community to promote sustainable transportation options. In partnership with AUVASA, Valladolid’s public transport provider, a series of events and exhibitions were organized to raise awareness of the city’s mobility services and their benefits for the academic community.

The week kicked off with the Municipality and AUVASA attending the opening of the academic year at the Miguel de Cervantes University. They introduced students and staff to the European Mobility Week and highlighted the various transportation services available. The university is well-connected to the surrounding areas, thanks to efficient public transport links and a nearby bike-sharing station, making it easier for students and staff to commute sustainably.

The first pop-up exhibition, new ones will come up to different target audiences, including roll-up banners and displays in the panel area and auditorium provided detailed information on the available public transport services, including bus routes and bike-sharing options. Attendees were invited to participate in a survey, designed to gather feedback on their commuting experiences and needs. This survey also served as a valuable opportunity to inform attendees about the SPINE Project and its role in advancing sustainable mobility across European cities.

The event attracted around 500 students, who participated in various activities throughout the day. One of the highlights was the opportunity to test bicycles available for rent through the city’s bike-sharing scheme, with students receiving firsthand information on how to rent, use, and benefit from this eco-friendly mode of transport.

On the second day of the European Mobility Week, the exhibition moved to the University of Valladolid, where students were once again engaged with information on public transport services and the benefits of sustainable travel, including the availability of bikes. The SPINE Project survey continued to play a crucial role in gathering input from the university community, with QR codes making it easy for participants to access and complete the survey digitally.

The week culminated on Friday, September 20th, with a special event in the city center where the Municipality of Valladolid and AUVASA presented the city’s new cargo bikes. The Mayor of Valladolid and AUVASA’s General Manager introduced these new services, which are designed to meet the needs of vulnerable and disabled citizens. The presentation, attended by local media, highlighted how these innovations align with Valladolid’s commitment to becoming a climate-neutral city by 2030, as part of the European Union’s Mission Cities initiative.

Throughout the weekend, residents were invited to test the cargo bikes in a designated area and share their feedback via the SPINE Project survey. Testimonials from AUVASA’s General Manager were also recorded, discussing how the SPINE Project contributes to the development of smart, sustainable public transport services in Valladolid, supporting the city’s vision for climate neutrality.

Valladolid’s active participation in European Mobility Week, alongside the SPINE Project, underscores the city’s dedication to creating greener, more accessible transport solutions for its residents and visitors.